A profitable work at home home business in Nigeria (and worldwide) will transform your life.
Running a business from home that makes money will give you financial freedom and work-life balance that conventional jobs often cannot provide.
The best part is this:
A home based business empowers you to turn your unique passions, skills, and interests into a thriving online business.
Yes, with a work at home home business you will own and run a business that aligns with your passion.
Here’s another reason why starting and running a business from home is the smart thing to do:
An online business can reach a global audience without the constraints of geography. With an online business, your passion project could attract hundreds (or even thousands) of customers from all over Nigeria and worldwide, all while you work comfortably from your home.
In addition, running a home based business online gives you flexibility and control over your time. You’re no longer bound by the traditional nine-to-five work day, the limitations of geography, the stress of commute to and from work, and a fixed pay cheque.
That is financial freedom!
Unfortunately, most people who tried at one time or the other to start a work from home business failed because building a profitable work at home home business is not as easy as it sounds.
With great opportunities come significant challenges.
What are some of the challenges faced by people who attempt starting a business from home?
The challenges faced by online business start-ups include:
The truth is this:
Launching a profitable work at home home business is not like a walk in the park.
The key to running a business from home that makes good money is to understand the foundational steps for starting and growing an online business.
I have been running my online business for over 10 years. And my online business has empowered me to pay all my bills and enjoy a little luxury… all while working from home and enjoying unparalleled work-life balance.
You too can start and grow your own online business by taking the time to read this page to the end, which provides the time-tested and proven framework for how to start online business successfully in Nigeria and worldwide.
Thereafter, proceed to implement the lessons learned in your own online business.
Bottom line.
Building a profitable online business involves more than just building a website.
You need to follow the right online business building process, the process that has been proven to lead to online business success.
So, whether you’re a freelancer looking to diversify your income streams, a small business owner wanting to expand online, an aspiring entrepreneur with a strong entrepreneurial spirit, or a recent graduate with entrepreneurial ambitions, this how to start online business guide will walk you through the essential steps to establish a profitable work at home home business.
The first decision to take when considering starting a business from home is deciding the right niche for your work at home home business.
Guess what.
This first decision is the foundation upon which the success of your online business rests. And this is the step where most ill-advised aspiring online business entrepreneurs make the biggest mistake of their business life.
What mistake am I talking about?
I’m talking about the mistake of starting a business from home in a niche that is popular without considering the level of competition in that niche, the depth of your knowledge in that niche, and the strength of your passion for that niche.
Most online business start-ups who make that mistake often end up in failure within one year of launching their online business.
Don’t let that happen to you!
This how to start online business guide will walk you through a strategic brainstorming approach that will empower you to identify a profitable niche that aligns with your interests and passion so you can establish a home based business online that makes good money for you.
So, what is the smart way to choose a niche when it comes to starting a business from home?
You start by reviewing your passions and interests.
Ask yourself the following questions:
What am I passionate about?
What am I knowledgeable about?
What business (or hobby turned into a business) can I get engrossed in for the next 5 to 10 years and not get bored and feel like quitting?
What really excites me (and has the potential to continue to excite me for the next 5 to 10 years or more)?
Think back over the last few years.
What topics have consistently held your attention?
What hobbies or activities have you returned to time and again?
Identifying these recurring themes is a good starting point to gauge long-term interest.
You may wonder:
“Why is it important for me to ask myself these questions?”
The reason is this:
When you build your work at home home business around a niche that aligns with your passion and interests, you will be more motivated and committed to building your business. And you will not give up easily when challenges arise that test your commitment to your online business.
So, do the smart thing:
Start by listing topics, sub-topics, and hobbies you’re passionate about. That is, things that interest you that you will love to build a business around.
Next, consider your unique skill set.
Do you have specialised knowledge that isn't just trendy but deeply valuable to a smaller yet highly engaged audience?
For example, are you an expert in postnatal fitness tailored for new mothers, which is a sub-niche under the fitness niche, and with smaller demand numbers, less competition, and higher potential for profitability?
You have listed topics and sub-topics that you’re interested in, passionate about, and knowledgeable about.
What next?
The next step is to conduct online market research on the topics and sub-topics you have listed that you’re passionate about in order to determine which of these topics have potential to be profitable.
A topic or sub-topic that has potential to be profitable is called a profitable niche.
How do you determine if a topic or sub-topic is a profitable niche?
You determine that by doing online market research.
Online market research empowers you to align your interests with what potential customers are seeking, ensuring your business idea is both viable and profitable.
What tool is used for online market research?
Tools that are used for online market research to determine if a niche has potential for profitability are called keyword research tools or keyword brainstorming tools.
I built this website, NigeriaPortableCabins.com, myself in 2012 after I lost my 8-to-5 job. That is, about 12 years ago. And this website has consistently made money for me all these years… and while working from home.
Yes, I built my profitable work at home home business over 12 years ago. And I have been self-employed since because my home based business generates the income I need to pay all my bills.
All that is possible because I’m running a business from home that is profitable.
Now the big question:
What keyword research tool did I use to determine that the niche I was interested in would be profitable even before I launched my home based business online?
The keyword research tool I used is called Solo Build It! (SBI!) keyword brainstormer.
The SBI! Keyword brainstormer is one of the software tools included in the online business software called Solo Build It! (SBI!)
When you use the SBI! Keyword brainstormer for niche keyword research, it supplies you three pieces of data.
The higher the profitability number for a keyword (or search term), the greater the potential that the niche in question will make you money when you build your online business around it.
Solo Build It! (SBI!) is a web based platform designed to help people build and grow online businesses.
The SBI! Keyword brainstormer is one of the game-changing tools you need to build a thriving and profitable home based business online.
However, the keyword brainstormer is just a fraction of the tools available to you as a user of SBI!
The SBI! All-in-one online business building software offers the following software tools and services to users:
…And more… much more!
Yes, Solo Build It! (SBI!) is the complete online business builder that takes you from idea to income.
Learn about the web design course for beginners that teaches how to use SBI! to build a professional website that attracts customers from search engines like Google and grows your business.
At this point you have chosen a profitable niche for your work at home home business.
Hurray! You have achieved a major feat!
You are now ahead of over 80 percent of online business owners who launched their internet marketing business without knowing the basics of starting a business from home.
As a result, their online business website has not made a dime for them even though the website has been live for 3 to 5 years.
You're not like them.
You have taken the time to lay a solid foundation for your online business by doing thorough online market research, so you position yourself to establish a profitable home based business online.
However, before you proceed to start creating content for your online business, there is one more foundational step related to starting a business from home that you must pay attention to. And that step has to do with understanding the needs of your target audience.
How do you understand the needs of your target audience?
You understand the needs of your target audience by doing the second lap of online market research.
What I call the second lap of online market research requires you to do two things that will help you to understand the needs of your target audience… the needs of the people who are your potential customers.
The first thing you need to do is understand the search intent for every keyword (or search term) you want to create content for on your website.
What is search intent?
"Search intent" refers to what a person is looking for when they type something into a search engine like Google.
Here’s the game-changer:
If you know what your target audience is searching for when they type in a search term in Google before you start creating content for your work at home home business, then you can create content that will deliver on that search intent.
Guess what.
When you deliver on the search intent of more and more internet surfers, Google will rank your page higher in the search engines and send even more visitors to your online business website.
More visitors to your home based business online website means more money for you.
So, how do you know the search intent for each keyword of your niche that you have accumulated using the SBI! Keyword brainstormer?
You do so by using the SBI! Business building AI assistant called Tai AI.
Tai AI will give you detailed information about what searchers want when they type in a search term in Google. And then you can write content that deliver what the searchers need using Tai AI.
The second thing you need to do after you choose your work at home home business niche is to join online niche forums and social media groups for your niche.
Online niche forums and social media groups are where real people in your target audience meet online and discuss issues relating to the niche in question.
When you join and participate in such online niche forums and social media groups, you gain deep insights into your target audience's needs and preferences.
This real-life knowledge and insights will help you to create content, products, and services for your work at home home business that will solve their problems and make more money for you.
An excellent resource for delving into these aspects is the SCORE article on Understanding Your Target Audience.
The article highlights the importance of identifying customer demographics, psychographics, and buying behaviour.
Creating high-quality content is the backbone of any successful work at home home business.
Content is what draws people to your website, keeps them engaged, and builds trust over time. Without valuable and engaging content, it's nearly impossible to generate the traffic and credibility you need to establish profitable online presence.
However, your goal should not be to just publish content for the sake of publishing content.
Your goal should be to create and publish in-depth materials that resonate with your target audience and that OVER delivers on the search intent of every keyword you create content for.
When starting an online business, one of the first steps is understanding the needs and pain points of your target audience.
The content you create should provide solutions, offer guidance, and demonstrate your expertise.
Think of your content as a tool to PREsell your target audience.
What does it mean to PREsell your target audience?
PREselling is the process of building trust, credibility, and a connection with your target audience before trying to sell them anything. It involves giving valuable content, educating, and engaging with your website visitors so that they come to trust you and see you as an expert.
By delivering value upfront, you're essentially preparing them to trust you enough to buy from you or engage with your recommendations. This process is essential in building a profitable business from home.
So, your focus should not be all about making money. Your focus should be about creating value and solving problems for your target audience.
The more problems you solve for your target audience through your content, products, and services, and the better you are at doing so, the more money you will make from your work at home home business.
The good news is this:
The SBI! AI assistant, Tai AI, makes writing high quality content so much easier.
This means that you can create high quality content that ranks high with search engines and that attracts willing-to-buy customers to your home based business online even if you’re not a born writer.
Want to start an online business that makes money?
Check out the FastTrack Website Solution For Entrepreneurs.
A domain name is the name you type into a web browser to visit a particular web site.
Every REAL business has an address. Your domain name is the address of your business on the internet.
However, a domain name goes beyond just your online business address — it’s a crucial part of your brand identity, search engine optimisation strategy, and the first impression you make on potential visitors.
A great domain name can instill trust and reinforce the goals of your business.
Here are a few things to keep in mind when choosing a domain name for your work at home home business:
Here’s something very important you must not overlook when choosing a domain name for your online business:
Before you buy a domain name, make sure the name you have chosen is not infringing on any existing trademarks.
If your domain name infringe on someone’s trademark or copyright, you will eventually lose the domain name and your online business. And all your online business building effort will go to waste.
Don’t let that happen you!
So, before registering that beautiful domain name you have chosen for your work at home home business, first do an online trade mark search.
What reliable software tool can you use for trademark search?
You can use Solo Build It! (SBI!) trade mark search tool.
You will learn exactly how to execute this task in the FastTrack Website Solution For Entrepreneurs Course
Building and launching a website for your work at home home business is one of the most exciting and rewarding adventure you will ever engage in, if you do it right.
Unfortunately, over 80 percent of aspiring home based business solopreneurs in Nigeria and worldwide get it wrong and end up shutting down their online business websites one or two years after its launch.
So, why do most online business ventures fail?
Simple answer: bad advice, which leads to bad online business building process. And which ultimately leads to online business failure.
You see, starting a business from home is exactly like starting an offline business. If you focus on non-essentials and fail to build a solid foundation for your business, the business will fail.
In addition, if you follow the wrong online business building process, your online business will also fail.
This how to start online business guide will discuss the right process to start and run a work at home home business shortly.
First, let me remind you of the profitable work at home home business success tips we have discussed so far:
Online Business Success Tip #1: Draw up a list of niches that matches your passion and interests
Online Business Success Tip #2: Research market demand, supply and profitability for every item on the list of niches that match your passion and interests using Solo Build It! (SBI!) keyword brainstorming tool.
The value demand, real supply, and profitability numbers displayed by the SBI! Keyword brainstorming and analysis software will indicate to you the niche that has the most potential to be profitable. And that is the niche you should invest your time and resources in.
Online Business Success Tip #3: Craft a domain name for your online business that is short, includes your niche keyword, easy to spell, easy to remember and easy to pronounce.
Online Business Success Tip #4: Register the domain name for your home based business online only after you have done trademark research using SBI!’s Search It! Tool and confirmed that the domain name (or any of the words included in it) are not subject to trademark.
Online Business Success Tip #5: Write keyword-focused content pages for your website. The term “keyword-focused content page” means that each content page you write for your online business website should focus on discussing just one keyword.
This means that if the SBI! Keyword research tool pulled out 100 unique keywords for your online business during your online market demand research phase, you can write as much as 100 pages for your online business website. And each content page will focus on discussing just one of those keywords (or sub-topic).
Online Business Success Tip #6: Write content for your website that provides solutions to the problems people in your target audience are grappling with.
Remember: internet surfers visit search engines like Google to search for solutions to whatever challenges they have. So, if you want search engines like Google and Bing to send potential customers to your online business website, your online business website must provide the solutions that people in your target audience are seeking.
The very first piece of content you need to write is the content for the home page of your online business web site.
The "home page" of a website is the starting point of the website. It’s like the front door of a house or the cover of a book.
For example, if you type the name of a website (e.g. Cherithelpro.com) on your browser and click the enter button on your computer or phone, the page that opens is the home page of the website.
Start by writing the content for the home page of your website. You will need to post this piece of content after you have finished designing your website.
Once you have followed the six online business success principles listed above, it is time to design or build the web site for your online business.
Here are some of the things to keep in mind when building the website for your online business:
Building an online business website that solve problems for your target audience, and that is easy to navigate, will endear you to your target audience and ultimately make more money for you.
However, do not abandon your home business website after you have built it.
Keep your online business website relevant and engaging by regularly updating your content.
A stagnant website will quickly fall out of favour with both users and search engines.
Solo Build It! (SBI!) is an online business building software that provides all the essential software tools you need to build a profitable work at home home business.
Pause and think about it.
All the essential tools you need to build a profitable online business in one place.
That means:
Want to build a work at home home business that actually makes money?
Check out FastTrack Website Solution For Entrepreneurs.
Now you have built a reasonable number of keyword-focused content pages for your online business website.
What is the next step you need to execute when it comes to running a business from home?
Once your website is live, the next critical step is driving traffic to your website.
What does the term “driving traffic to your website” mean?
"Driving traffic to your website" means getting more people to visit your website.
You see, an offline business with a physical shop needs customers walking in to be successful. And the greater the number of people who walk into the offline shop to buy from the business owner, the more money the business owner will make.
The same goes for a work at home home business.
A home based business online with a website needs visitors (called "traffic") to make money. And the greater the number of website visitors who find, visit, and buy from your website, the more money your online business will make from the website.
Unfortunately, the majority of solopreneurs who have online business websites do not know how to attract traffic to their websites.
They spend lots of money building their business website and assume that once they build the website, people will somehow stumble on the website and then they will make money.
Guess what.
Online business websites do not get popular by accident. You have to put in the right kind of work to attract potential customers to your online business website.
This how to start online business guide will now discuss some ways you can attract traffic to your website.
The steps required to drive lots of web site traffic to your website (or to get more people to visit your website) include the following:
Step #1: Implement the five online business success principles discussed above. Doing so will improve your chances of getting more and more pages on your website ranked higher than those of your competitors in search engines like Google.
This process is called search engine optimisation (SEO)
Step #2: Write lots of evergreen in-depth keyword-focused content for your online business website. Do not focus on trendy and time-sensitive posts that provide temporary traffic spikes but add no long-term value to your website.
Search engine optimised evergreen content will serve as a perpetual traffic generator for your website.
Step #3: Promote your website on your social media handles. Add your website link to the bio section of every social media platform where you post content. Examples include: Facebook, Instagram, YouTube, LinkedIn, Pinterest, Twitter etc
Step #4: Add your website link in the signature section of any online forums where you’re active. And ensure you join as many niche forums as possible related to the niche covered by your website.
Specialized forums related to the topic of your online business offer tremendous opportunities to connect with your target audience. Unlike social media platforms, where your content often gets lost in the noise, forums are full of users actively searching for solutions, advice, and expert input. And a good number of these forum members may end up visiting your website and buying from you.
Step #5: Include lots of visually appealing elements in the written content for your online business website. These visually appealing elements integrated into the written content of your website will inspire more people to share your website link.
The more people who share your website with their friends and on their social media handles, the more traffic you will attract to your website.
Step #6: Every time you add a new article to your website, make a post for social media related to the topic discussed in that article. And add the link to the article to the post.
Step #7: Tag 50 or more of your friends when you share a link to an article on your website via a social media post. Tagging your friends in the post means the post will appear on their timelines and it will be visible to their friends.
Step #8: Guest posting on niche blogs is another way to drive traffic to your website. The process involves posting a thoroughly researched article on blogs related to your niche. And then including a link in that article to leads to a related page on your website.
Guest posting serve two purposes:
First, it provides back links to your online business website, which may lead to getting higher rankings and more free traffic from search engines like Google.
Second, it can drive substantial direct traffic to your website, especially if you choose to write for blogs that have an engaged audience similar to your target market.
Please Note: If you want to attract as much traffic as possible from guest posting on niche blogs, ensure your guest posts provide real value. And make sure you include a compelling call to action that drives readers back to your website.
One of the most neglected and yet important tool for building a profitable online business is the email marketing tool.
What is email marketing tool?
An email marketing tool is a software that empowers online business owners to send an email to thousands of customers and potential customers with the click of a button.
The email marketing tool is often referred to as the newsletter software. And the database containing the email addresses of your customers and potential customers is called an email list.
Here’s something to keep in mind:
Online business owners cannot send emails to customers and potential customers if they do not have their email addresses.
This means that the first step you need to take to use the email marketing tool (or newsletter software) for your online business is to collect email addresses of people who visit your website as well as email addresses of customers who have purchased from you online or offline.
So, how do you get website visitors to give you their email addresses when they don’t yet know you?
Remember: people who find your website through search engines like Google did so because…
Bottom line.
People who find your website through search engines like Google believe to some extent that you have the solution they seek.
Consequently, if you want to collect the email addresses of people who visited your website so you can reach out to them at a later date, you need to offer them something that, at least, solves one problem for them in exchange for them giving you their email address.
What can you offer visitors to your work at home home business so they willingly give you their email addresses?
Below is a short list of some of the incentives (or free gift or free resource) you can offer your website visitors to get to willingly give you their email addresses and subscribe to your newsletter.
Free Resource #1: Lead Magnet
Create a valuable e-book, checklist, or free course that solves a problem your target audience have. And then offer it for free to everyone who sign-up for your newsletter.
Free Resource #2: Exclusive Discounts and Coupons
Provide a special discount or coupon that is only available when visitors sign up for your newsletter by entering their name and email address in the newsletter subscription form. And then clicking the SIGNUP button.
Free Resource #3: Contests or Giveaways: Host a contest or giveaway that requires participants to SIGNUP for your newsletter. The prize could be a product, service, or something relevant to your audience.
Free Resource #4: Content Upgrades
Offer a free valuable resource to website visitors who read a particular page on your website to the end.
For example, if one of the articles on your website is, How To Get Loans From Commercial Banks To Grow Your Business, you could offer a downloadable business plan template to those who read the article to the end and then subscribe to your newsletter using the newsletter subscription form at the bottom of the page.
I recommend that you should start collecting email addresses of people who visit your website immediately your website goes LIVE.
Why is email marketing so important to your work at home home business?
Email marketing is important for every home based business online because of the unique benefits of email marketing.
Below are some of the benefits of email marketing:
Email Marketing Benefit #1: Direct communication
Emails go straight to a person’s inbox, so it’s an easy way to reach people who are already interested in your content, products, or services.
Email Marketing Benefit #2: Cost-effective:
Compared to ads or printed materials, email marketing is cheaper and can reach a large number of people quickly.
Email Marketing Benefit #3: Builds relationships
Regular emails help businesses stay connected with their audience, build trust, and keep them engaged.
Email Marketing Benefit #4: Boosts sales
Well-crafted follow-up emails can encourage people to make a purchase long after their initial contact with your online business or website. So, your follow-up emails should deal with issues related to the niche of your online business and showcase your expertise. Your subscribers will get to know you more and even begin to trust and like you.
Remember: An email list is an asset you own. And this asset allows you to drive repeat traffic back to your site.
Building an email list from day one of your website going live also empowers you to send promotional emails to the thousands of people in your email list with the click of a button. And this could generate even more sales for your online business.
The good news is:
Solo Build It! (SBI!) has an email marketing software that is in-built.
So, no need to spend extra money buying an email marketing software.
Learn about the web design course for beginners that teaches how to use SBI! to build a professional website that attracts customers from search engines like Google and grows your business.
Online business software for starting a business from home are many on the internet.
Wherever you turn, there is someone or some company offering to sell you a work at home home business software. And each one of these software include a website builder so you can build your very own home based business online.
The popular ones you may have heard about include:
Which website builder did I use to build my website, NigeriaPortableCabins.com?
I built this Nigeria portable cabin website using an online business building software called Solo Build It! (SBI!). And this website has made me money year on year for the last 11 years.
Solo Build It! (SBI!) is a web based platform designed to help people build and grow online businesses.
The SBI! Suite of software tools has an in-built drag-and-drop website builder that makes it easy for newbies to build their very own online business website without any coding knowledge or experience.
However, SBI! Is not just another website builder.
In fact, there are three things that make SBI! Stand out from the crowd and they are:
Let me provide a brief explanation to help you understand why the combination of these three resources is exactly what you need to significantly increase your chances of achieving online business success.
1. The SBI! C-T-P-M Process:
The core of the SBI! Online business software and program is the C-T-P-M process, which stands for Content, Traffic, PREsell, and monetise.
Content: This is the foundation of your online business. You create valuable and informative in-demand written content that addresses the needs of your target audience.
Traffic: Your search engine optimised content get discovered in search engines like Google. Searchers click on your website link in Google and land on your website
PREsell: People who visit your website from the search engines love your content and begin to like and trust you
Monetise: Implement strategies to generate income, such as affiliate marketing, or selling your own products or services on your web site.
All the software tools built into SBI! Are designed around this C-T-P-M process.
The result?
SBI! Build profitable online businesses at an unmatched success rate.
No other online business-building platform comes close.
Learn about the web design course for beginners that teaches how to use SBI! to build a professional website that attracts customers from search engines like Google and grows your business.
2. The All-In-One Suite of Software Tools:
Here’s the truth about building a profitable work at home home business:
You need several software tools to work together seamlessly to build a professional website that makes money.
Most online business owners try to solve the problem by attempting to integrate several software programs from different vendors.
Guess what.
Every now and then something breaks at one vendor’s end, and it negatively affects their business.
However, with Solo Build It! (SBI!), all the software tools you need to build a thriving and profitable online business are in one place. Best of all, they work together seamlessly.
=>No integration headaches
=>No down time
=>No trading of blames between one vendor and another while your online business bleeds
Learn about the web design course for beginners that teaches how to use SBI! to build a professional website that attracts customers from search engines like Google and grows your business.
3. Structured Online Business Building Education:
In addition to providing you the essential software tools to build a profitable online business, Solo Build It! (SBI!) also provides you well-structured online business education to help you use those software tools to your advantage.
The training resources provided along with your SBI! Subscription include:
Bottom line.
Building a profitable home based business online is not about having a beautiful website.
There are millions of beautifully designed websites that make little money or no money at all.
Solo Build It! (SBI!) does more than just provide you a website builder.
SBI! provides a structured framework for individuals to create and manage their own online businesses, offering support, resources, and community to help them succeed.
I used Solo Build It! (SBI!) to build my own online business website. And I’m proof that it empowers ordinary folks with no prior coding or online business experience to build profitable online businesses.
Want to build a work at home home business that actually makes money?
Check out FastTrack Website Solution For Entrepreneurs.