We offer prefab building construction services to customers all over Nigeria.
This means that you don't have to worry about house construction headaches especially when you plan to build a house in Nigeria and you live overseas or you plan to build a house in your village but live in any of the cities in Nigeria like Lagos, Abuja, Ibadan, Port Harcourt . . . or any of the other big cities in Nigeria.
When you use our prefab building construction service, you also get the following benefits:
1. You avoid the risk associated with transporting yourself back and forth to inspect the building during the construction period
2. You can build your house in complete secrecy (none of your extended family members need to know you're building a house)
3. You avoid the risk of entrusting your money to family members who may take advantage of your trust and squander your money
4. By using our service you will be working with a professional and trustworthy company
5. Your house will be ready for habitation in just 15 - 21 days depending on the size
Seriously, if you're thinking of building a house of your own . . . whether residential or office building . . . you should use our prefab building
construction service.
We offer a fast, reliable, and trustworthy prefab building construction service.
Click HERE to request a quote.
We offer two types of prefab house construction . . . factory construction and onsite construction.
Construction Option means that we build the prefab building at our
factory and then transport the building to customers wherever they need
them in Nigeria.
When you order a factory constructed building, you pay for the shipping cost . . . the cost of transporting the building to you or to wherever you want it delivered.
Prefab building transportation cost is a function of the size of the building and the destination where the building is to be delivered.
For example, a 20 feet (or 6 metres) prefab house to be transported from our factory in Lagos to a customer site in Ibadan will cost less to transport than the same
building whose destination is Abuja.
Onsite construction, on the other hand, means that the house construction takes place at the customer site . . . the site where the building is required.
This means that we transport all the building materials . . . the prefabricated sandwich panels, steel materials, and accessories . . . as well as the equipment required for the construction and the construction team to the customer's site.
This means that the home construction takes place right before the eyes of the customer.
Onsite construction have the following benefits:
1. You pay less on transportation because it cost less to transport building materials to site than to transport an entire building
2. You get to see the prefab building construction from start to finish (and make personal contributions or inputs, if you wish)
3. You avoid the headache of having the truck unload the building in an inconvenient location (if the truck does not have sufficient space to maneuvre within your premises)
How do you order onsite prefab building construction?
You can order onsite construction by specifying that you want the building constructed at your site and NOT in our factory when you request a quote.
Here's something to remember.
Factory house construction applies only to buildings that have a maximum size of 12 metres by 3.45 metres (or 40 feet by 11 feet).
If you plan to build a house bigger than 12 metres by 3.45 metres, the building will automatically be built onsite.
If you also plan to build a prefab duplex, the house construction will also take place onsite. That is, at your premises or at the location where the building is required. We do not transport prefab duplex.
Need a professional and reliable prefab home construction company?
Want fast delivery . . . on-time and in-full?
Click HERE to request a quote.
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