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Bungalow Floor Plans Nigeria - House Plans By Prefab Home Builder

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Bungalow floor plans (or bungalow house plans) are about the most requested building plans in Nigeria.


It is because bungalow buildings are the most popular building types in Nigeria, especially among low to medium income earners.

Guess who make up the largest chunk of the Nigeria population?

Yes, low to medium income earners!

That is the very reason why we created this bungalow floor plan section to help you choose the bungalow house plan that suit your needs.

Bungalow House Plans - What's Included?

buy a house in nigeria

What are you likely to see in bungalow plans?

What are the common features of bungalow floor plans?

Every house (including bungalows) often have the following:

  • Living (or sitting) room
  • Bedrooms
  • Kitchen
  • Toilet

The above are the basics of every house as they address the basic human needs of relaxation, sleep, cooking, and excretion.

Bigger and more luxury inclined homes also make provision for:

  • Multiple living rooms
  • Multiple toilets
  • Dining area
  • Study / Library
  • Guest room
  • Multiple balcony and
  • Laundry room

Who decides what should be included in bungalow floor plans?

It's YOU, the property owner.

Remember though that the more the number of items in the bungalow house plan, the larger the space occupied by the property and the greater the number of partitions. And all of that translates into higher construction cost.

So, when thinking of building a bungalow house and you're in the bungalow plan stage, start by thinking first of the size of your wallet (or bank account) and build to the size of your pocket and not the size of your taste.

Why is that important?

It is pretty obvious.

If you go with your expensive taste and not the size of your bank account, you may spend years building that dream house and not experience the joy of been a home owner sooner.

Guess what.

Many folks who went in that direction end up not completing the dream luxury house because of a sudden negative change in their financial circumstances.

Bottom line.

If you have a fat bank account, build to your heart's pleasure.

However, if you're like the majority of low to medium income Nigerians, build a modest bungalow and enjoy the satisfaction of being a landlord now NOT later.

Cost Effective Bungalow Plans For Everyone

The good news is . . . we have simple and cost effective bungalow house plans that can save you money big time.

Bungalow Floor Plans
Bungalow Floor Plans
Bungalow Floor Plans

We also have luxury bungalow plans for medium to high income earners.

You can see some of our bungalow plans on this page.

You can download our printable bungalow house plans ebook with different bungalow designs and use the design that resonates with you.

Order The Bungalow Floor Plan Ebook

The bungalow floor plan ebook sells for just =N=2,999

Click HERE to Order NOW

P.S: We only offer 2D plans.

Floor Plans For Houses

  1. Home
  2. Prefab House Plans
  3. Bungalow Floor Plans
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