Manufactured home foundations in Nigeria (and other steel building foundations) are of two types:
1. Steel foundation and
2. Block foundation
What informs the type of foundation to use for a particular manufactured home?
The type of manufactured home foundation used for a particular prefab house depends on the size and purpose of the house.
In general, steel foundations are used when the manufactured home is designed to be transportable or easily relocatable.
This category of manufactured homes are often referred to as relocatable manufactured homes or simply as portable cabins.
In the real sense of it, all types of manufactured homes are relocatable . . . even those with block / concrete foundation.
However, it is a lot easier to relocate prefab buildings with steel foundation than those with concrete / block foundation because all you have to do to relocate them is to call a truck with the capacity to execute the relocation task.
You may wonder, "is steel foundation really durable? Is it reliable?"
To answer that question, think about the foundation of a shipping container.
Shipping containers are used to transport delicate and heavy materials through the sea to destinations round the world. And many of the ships carrying these containers with really heavy items stay on sea as much as three months before arriving the shores of Nigeria.
This means that these heavy items remain inside the shipping containers for that long. And some may still hold the items in them for another month or thereabout as the containers are unloaded and pass through rigorous clearing procedures before finally arriving as their destinations.
Guess what.
When the goods in the shipping containers are finally unloaded, the foundation (or floor) of the shipping container is still intact.
What does that tell you?
Yes, steel foundations can be solid and reliable when built with rigidity and reliability in mind.
The second type of manufactured home foundations is the block or concrete foundation.
This type of prefab house foundation is often used when the steel building or manufactured building size is such that it cannot be built on steel and transported
by road.
Block foundation is also used when the steel building foundation (or the building itself) is meant to be permanent and there are no future plans to transport the building from the site where it is to be constructed.
For example, a residential building may already have a huge block building in front . . . what most people refer to in Nigeria as the main house.
The property owner may then want to build a boys quarter (or BQ) behind the main building to take advantage of the fast building methods associated with manufactured homes.
In this particular scenario, the property owner may opt for onsite building construction instead of a manufactured home built in our factory with steel foundation and transported to its destination. And the property owner's choice of foundation type may be driven by the fact that he feels that the manufactured building is going to be a permanent and not a temporarily building.
We are a manufactured home construction company that build to our client's requirements.
If you want a manufactured home with steel foundation, that's exactly what you will get.
On the other hand, if you prefer a building with block / concrete foundation, you will get just what you ordered.
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